Wednesday 4 January 2012

kenyataan yang perlu diterima

erm..aku bkak fb petang semalam (3hb 1 2012 )..syafig aiman ade tag gmba baju red warrior design baru kat aku,,tp ade sorg lg nme yg die tag.. tsarlinda..tbe2 die ckp tula "gewe" abg..aku ckp..tipu..xcye.mati2 aku mmg xcye..sbb kat profile die gurl tu adik die..die kate dulu mmg adik n abg sekarang gewe die :(.. pastu die col aku .. die ckp mmg btul gewe die..baru je kpel.bile aku tnye bile die kate baru je..mule2 die suruh aku fren ngn gurl tuh..xsmpat aku ckp pape pastu die kate x pyh la fren ngn die..nnt ade salah faham.. yang skit atie nye.. die kate 'KALAU MSJ JGN CKP EX ABG,CKP ADIK JE ..'..die mcm xnk anggp aku EX die :'(..m die kate "JGN BGTH DIE ABG ADE NO MAXIS.'..die ade no cel pon aku xth..nth2 sblum ni die ade msj gurl tu gne no cel tnpe pgethuan aku.. nmpak sngt die nk jge atie popmuan uh.. nmpak die syg gile kat gurl uh.. die msj aku ..

-ABG PLIH DIO BKN SBB PARAS RUPA DIO LAWA AH TP KEH KWN ABG XPNDI NK HRGAI ATI DIO YG JJUR N STIA DLM CNTA. (Yg die baik sngt nk jge atie gurl tu np?? nmpak la mmg die da lme ade hti ngn gurl tu)

 yg xleh trime nye..aku baru stalk fb die..sbb aritu lpas kiteorg break..die ade change relationshp..bile aku check blik..mase die tkar in relationshp tu pd 7 dec 2011.. aku clash ngn die 3 dec 2011... 4 hari je baru clash beb!!!! smpai nye atie die.:'(.. nmpk la mse kpel ngn aku lg mybe die da ade atie kt gurl tu..bile gurl tu da clash n die pon da clash..ape lg..msuk line la..4 hari je wei!!!1 n genap sebuln aku clash baru aku dpt th die da kpel baru.. SAKIT NYE ATIE!!!!!! :'(..sblum ni abg angkt..last2 terngkt.. gurl tu freehair..nth bile die ske gurl cmtu xth la.. aku xleh trime..sblum ni ayt bkan men..CKP XSERUPE BKIN!!!!.

Syafiq Aiman is in a relationship.
 ·  · December 7, 2011 at 7:27am
  • You and 6 others like this.
    • Jabey Rokrak xpyoh... sex merin ado umh ney... pau senyap2 ge jah,,.. seve bajet ckit..hahaha
      December 8, 2011 at 1:15am ·  ·  1
    • Syafiq Aiman mapuhhhh...haha
      December 8, 2011 at 4:34am · 

ni yg wt aku cm bnci kat laki..da la mlm hari yg sme aku gado ngn zul sbb gmba yg syafiq aiman tag kat aku la..zul jles ngn g,ba tu..gdo..mate aku baru nk baik lpas ngis ptg tu..tmbah lagi..aku ingt time aku tga sdih zul bole la epikan jles die mngalahkan smue..huhu..nasib2..sob3 :'(

P/s : xpe la..smoga die hepi ngn plihan die tu..mybe sblum ni aku pnghlng die nagn gurl tu..mybe da lme die mnt gurl tu,,tp msng2 da ade kpel ni la pluang die..go ahead la..

Wednesday 28 December 2011

jalan2.. :)

pergh.. penat gile.. mlm tadi kul 11 kot rase nye g danau kota .. rupe2 nye pndah kat bangi da .. ceh, lain kali kol la aku dulu,, kan ade no aku.. hehe.. nak jlan pnye cite kan.. kiteorg g danau kota kat cheras ..  beli2 barang .. kul 4 baru blik .. 'die' bli kan aku seliper , tshrt n cardigan.. cardigan je yang aku btul2 nk .. terima kasih bnyak2 awk.. aku g nagn 'die' n kak ipar nye bersame ank2 nye.. sjak blik baru mlam ni aku jmpe 'die' .. kesian die kan.. balik2 terus tdo .. kul 9.30 pg fon aku bnyi .. syaza kol ajk g bank tabung haji .. xleh bla gile .. mase tggu giliran tu lame gile.. so kiteorg g la cri haf jap .. die kate kat ujung .. kiteorg malu nak ikut depan tu.. g la pusng bngunan tu .. rupenye pusing bngunan tuh jauh gile sbb masuk kwasan perumhan .. sngal .. pnat gile.. lpe nak bgth .. syaza kol kul 9.30 tp g kul 11 .. kjut si hafzarul safwan tu la x bngun2..  lpas tu g selayang mall .. g beli beg and lotion ankku .. lpastu ingt nk g brem mall nk ri baju syaza tp haf n syaza x sdp hati .. so balik la.. otw blik tu snggah kdai mak cik haf .. mkan jap pastu blik.. balik kul 5 kat2 kul 6 td.. pnat2.. tp seronk.. (mmg la kaki jalan..hahha)
 p/s : dpt mkan posperity jgk akhirnye.. lame mngidam..hehe

Tuesday 27 December 2011

spek mate baru :)

hari ahad lpas..25 dec. aku g slayang mall ngan abah .. g ambik spek yang da buat ari tu warne purple.. jenama transformer xthan uh.hahh.. lawa la.. mmg la lawa.. harge pn lawa..hehe.. harge die RM 360. sbb die npiskan cermin aku skali.. power aku bnyak kan ... kiri 6.25 .. kanan 5.75 .. tinggi gile kan.. sbelum ni pkai contct lens je.. tp die kate suppose lens pkai 8 jam je .. mlam kne pkai spek.. tu yg wt spek baru tuh . wt kat visionplus kat slayang nall tngakt 3 je.. pelnggan tetap .. hehe

p/s : jgn terkejut plak. xbeli due pon.. over la kalo nk beli due skali kan.. :P .. kotak die bole tkar2.. itam o purple.. heheh .. magic2 .. kuang3..

Saturday 24 December 2011

home sweet home

tbe2 teringat kat blog ni plak..rase nk update la plak.. hari ni hari pe?? sabtu kan..hahah..semalam aku baru je spai umah baru blik drpd UITM kuala pilah. abg alif yang ambik..ptut nye nak blik kul 5 ngan kne stay umah die dulu la.. tp kul dakt2 kul 10 pg ade la seorg hamba allah ni kol aku, tnye blik bile..aku pe lg..ahhah.. 'bole ambik raje kat pudu x?? nk blik ni.." 'bole..abg ambik kat pudu' tula alif waei spe soh kol tpat pade mase nye.kuang3.. btw THANKZ TO MUHAMMAD ALIF WAEI.. kul 11 aku bertolak spai skip klas BEL .hihi. aku tiba d pudu dalam kul 3 cmtu la.
ni la hamba allah yang baik hati tu..trima kasih :)
sambung crita..mlam tuh kul 8.30 g ambik hafzarul ngan abg alif and syaza.. aku beriye ingat nk ambik die kat kl sentral. die baru blik dr UITM sri iskandar.. rpe2 nye ambik kat ktm batu caves je.. aku cam -.-.. pastu kol haf, die baru spai kat kl sentral n nk mkan dlu. so kiteorg g kl sntral la.. hehhe.. blik2 tuh dalam kete mmg bsing la. aku yg kne bahan banyk.. sbb ponteng klas bel pn kne :( so sad.. kiteorg msng2 cri point nak kne kan.. masuk cite same kolor baju kat kdai mamak la.. 'penwayaran pon bole '...mmg sakit prut and pindi kencing aku than gelak,, klo da kua ngan dorg x gelak x sah kan,, fathin najwa pon ade gak.. da la.. pnat taip sbnarnye..toing3..
ni la syaza n hafzarul. dorg sngat gile
p/s : dorg ni kapel ye :)

blik2 trus nek katil n tdo.. pnat sngat la kan,,
*pdahal pnat gelak :)

Friday 5 August 2011


Penny and Shieldon buy a present to their friend for Merry Christmas Day.Shieldon confius what he want to give to Penny. Then he decide to buy a bath item for Penny. Lionard work with Dalvind who the Science Award.Penny went dating with Dalvind. Penny likes Science because of Dalvind. Lionard was jelous with Penny and Dalvind. Then Lionard tells that he had feling towards Penny. Penny tells him tah Dalvind han and wife already. When Christmas had arrived, Penny give handkerchief to Shieldon. Shieldon give experiment kid to Penny and bath items. Shieldons thinks taht his present does not enough, thus he hug Penny as one of the gift.

In this story, i get a few of moral value such as, we cannot be too nerd because it will make people think that you are weird. Besides that, we have to appreciate our friendship because friend is one of the place that we share our sadness and happiness. Further more, we have to be professional in our life such us, do not include our hobbies in give people gift. Moreover, if we love somebody, we have to investigate thier background first and straight away tells them about our feeling because if we too late to express our feeling, we might loose them.

I like penny because care about her friend. She really appreciate her friendship. Even she ib beautiful, but she did not care to be friend with everyone even her friend is nerd and obsess about science just not like her. But she never hated them in other hand give support and celebrate Christmas together. They share their hapinness together.

The story tells us taht the nerd boy is so obsess on Science field after he had be friend with The Science Award until he gives something is related to science as a present for his friend. Even he so obsess about Science, he still have feeling towards people and know the important of friendship. Other than that, Even they have a nerd friend but they do not ignore of their friend. They still celebrate and sahre happiness together.

Actually  i do not understand the story when i watched it at first time in the class. After watched it a few times and asked my friend, then only that i understand the story. The story actually interesting and funny for who is really like science field because the story tells us more about science. People who love science will appreciate the story. For me, plot of the story should be more interesting and arranged in order. So that, people can understand the story and the massage can delivered to an audience.


                                                                                                                               NO 3B JALAN 36,
                                                                                                                               SELAYANG BARU,
                                                                                                                               68100 BATU CAVES.
                                                                                                                             5 OGOS 2011
Dear who feel ignored,

I hope you are doing well and of course better than yesterday. My point of writing this letter to you is not just about telling you not to give up in your own life. I am here to share my thoughts of having a great time enjoying our life without feeling ignored. I admit, everyone must have the thoughts that they are alone and ignored by the one that they needed the attention most. But, somehow we have to positively think that we are never alone in this world because ignorance will never exist if we want them to.

In this world, someone besides us to support is important. Because everybody needs somebody to share mostly everything about their life. Instead of sharing everything, we can still cherish the moment together and forget about problems that will lead us to do something out of mind. I can be one of your somebody to share about your happiness and sadness of your life. It does not mean that we have to go the rehab or counseling centre, just to overcome our problems. See, family and friends are important as they listen and understand us better. Because someone closest to us are more concern and seriously, they will never ignore us. As I said earlier, ignorance will never exist only if we want them to.

Although you feel like nobody wants to listen to you, at least think that there are a lot more person that cares about you. If you still feel that way, I can show the best cure of this problem. I believe that all of you knows how to make use of technology. Nowadays, many sites are created for us to express our feelings instead of making a lot of friends from all over the world such as blogger, facebook and twitter. I can guarantee that you will never feel lonely again because these sites give benefits as they are called social network. I also have my own accounts for each of these sites to share my everything.

Running away from problems are not good. At least share it to someone that will make you relieved. To avoid from committing suicide, try to always make yourself busy for instance socialize yourself and never think about giving up your own life. Appreciate your life and always think that there are others who suffer more than you but they still can move on and continue their life. If they can, why cannot you? Always believe in  yourself in positive ways.

I think my advice could probably help you as I am here to share my own thoughts too. Remember that problems are challenges in your life and you should know better how to deal with it. Last but not least , there will always be somebody to listen and you are never alone in this world. Good luck and best wishes for you to decide your future and I really hope that my letter as an advice will encourage you to change your future for better.
                                                                                                                         (RAJA NUR ASFARINA)

Monday 1 August 2011

first ramadhan

semalam aku g tarawih kat surau kolej..siswi penuh gilew smpai xmuat kena g blakang siswa.. tgah2 sembahyang tetibe hati aku sayu sngat smpai mengalirkan air mata. first aku rindu family aku.second aku rindu kehidupan berpuase di asrama and paling buat aku terasa bila teringat kat arwah abe pan. ustazah ckap bulan puase terlepas siksaan kubur and arwah dtg jenguk kami smue yg masih hidup.. sayu sngat2 hati ini bile teringt kan kat kak yus menymbut ramadhan tahun ini sorg2.. kami tak sempat nk smbut hari raya yang bakal tibe bersame2.. Semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat dan kite same2 la sedekahkan al-fatihah. amin..